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Profanatica sodomizing Prague!

All right maniacs, first round of poser-slaughtering brutalization of Hell's Bells is behind us, now come to vomit on the god's chiiiild!

Begun in 1990, PROFANATICA were arguably the first true American black metal band. Their ever-unique brand of primitive, bulldozing filth would greatly vary from the early '90s Scandinavian wave that was just about to kick off; many misunderstood it and even harbored hatred for the band, but PROFANATICA nevertheless found a fanatic cult following. And on 12.3.2018 they will be spilling holy blood in Prague for the first time ever! Tickets limited to 100. Presale for 400,- CZK / 450,- CZK at the door. Available at the bar since 15.11.2017. Out of area queries at: clovenhoofprague[AT] EVENT


PROFANATICA (USA), RITES OF THY DEGRINGOLADE (CAN) & AUROCH (CAN) v Hells Bells 12. března 2018. Počet lístků omezen na 100. Předprodej za 400,- CZK; 450,- CZK na místě. Lístky k dostání v Hell's na baru od 15.11.2017, objednávky mimo Prahu na Detaily zde v eventu.


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