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Prague Death Mass news

Later this week Prague will host the third instalment of the world famous Prague Death Mass festival. Cloven Hoof will be present with three ales brewed exlusively for this occassion. Death Mass cascadian dark ale | ABV 6,66% | 111 bottles Cascadian = false metal and this beer is indeed a false prophet, promising you the oats smoothness, but stabbing you in the back with it's peppery tones, overhelming the initiating sequence. Amber Death between two worlds ale | ABV 5,5% | 44 bottles Bit too dark for a classic amber, this ale stands between two worlds, American hops balanced with Saaz creating bridge between the world of the dead and the living as well as a bridge between high alpha-acid ales from America and the classic Czech pilsener with it's noble tastebud reverb. Black Buddha black imperial IPA | ABV 7% | 22 bottles Thick bodied variation on our Black Kali recipe, this time not overwhelmingly hoppy. Artwork on all labels by David Glomba of Teitan Arts.

Also out on Cloven Hoof at Prague Death Mass will be a new European press of the second demo by Florida savages CAVEMAN CULT, a mandatory release for all the war metal maniacs! All pending Cloven Hoof orders will be dealt with after Prague Death Mass.


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