:IN STOCK: Celctic Frost and Immortal box sets, Hellhammer tapes
this just in, very limited stock available! - all sold out from the label
Hellhammer – Apocalyptic Raids 10€ low on copies

Celtic Frost – The Sign of the Usurper (6 tape box) sold out

Immortal – Under The Banner Of Blashryrkh (6 tape box) 85€ last copy

order only via clovenhoofprague@gmail.com
yes, I am aware it is expensive and no, nothing I can do on the distribution end. since I have an idea about the licensing fees and manufacturing costs, I can tell You there is not whole lot of cash to be made, so before You will complain about DSR being greedy, think again.

Ancient – Det Glemte Riket 9€
Ancient – Eerily Howling Winds 9€
Ancient – Trolltaar 9€
Arckanum – Antikosmos 8€
Arckanum – ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ 8€
Arckanum – Sviga læ 8€ Burzum – Aske 9€
Burzum – Belus 9.5€
Burzum – Burzum 9.5€
Burzum – Dauði Baldrs 9.5€
Burzum – Det Som Engang Var 9.5€
Burzum – Fallen 9.5€
Burzum – Filosofem 9.5€
Burzum – From The Depths Of Darkness 9.5€
Burzum – Hliðskjálf 9.5€
Burzum – Hvis Lyset Tar Oss 9.5€
Burzum – The Ways Of Yore 9.5€
Burzum – Thulêan Mysteries 16€
Bythos – The Womb of Zero MC 7€ last copy
Dominion of Suffering - The Birth of Hateful Existence 6€
Dødheimsgard – Kronet Til Konge 9€
Dødheimsgard – Monumental Possession 9€
Excoriate – On Pestilent Winds… 9€
Kult Ofenzivy - Tak jsem ji přizval k sobě 6€
Kvist – For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike 9€
Malokarpatan – Krupinské ohně 9€ last copy
Ragnarok – Arising Realm 9€
Ragnarok – Nattferd 9€
Root – Hell Symphony 7€
Root – The Temple in the Underworld 7€
Root – War of Rats / Reap of Hell / Messengers from Darkness 7€
Sentier des Morts – Beatus Methodivo 8€ last copy Teitanblood – Death 9€ last copies Teitanblood – The Baneful Choir 9€ last copies

>>new LP in stock<<
Sator Marte - Termonukleární evoluce 14€ /listen/ Maniac Butcher - Černá krev 14€
Merciless old school black metal, Triumph, Genus members. Merciless black metal war from 1997. Total kult!

>>still available on tape<<
Maniac Butcher - Barbarians 6€
Maniac Butcher - Lučan - Antikrist 6€
Maniac Butcher - Krvestřeb 6€
Maniac Butcher - Černá krev 6€
Maniac Butcher - Invaze 6€
Maniac Butcher - Epitaph 6€
Maniac Butcher - Masakr 6€
Mayhem – Chimera, MC 8€ Mayhem – Daemon, MC 8€ Mayhem – Ordo Ad Chao, MC 8€ Mayhem - Wolf's Lair Abyss, MC 9€ Skogen zine anthology 1993-1996, HARDBOOK 20€
