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Black Witchery live in Prague

For the first time ever, BLACK WITCHERY will desecrate Prague.. UPDATE: There has been a venue change, show was moved to Hell's Bells!

Abhorrent Desecration Tour 2017 - Prague

Tickets limited to 120. Presale for 470,- CZK, 500,- CZK at the door. Available at the bar since yesterday. Out of area queries at Details in this event.


Black Witchery, Possession, Nyogthaeblisz v Hells Bells 30. října, buďte připraveni. Počet lístků omezen na 120. Předprodej za 470,- CZK, 500,- CZK na místě. Lístky k dostání v Hell's na baru, objednávky mimo Prahu na Detaily zde v eventu.

Black Witchery Prague tickets

Old poster you might see on the internet with invalid venue!


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